Puppy Troubles in Fall Time...

It's funny...before I had a blog, I always felt like I had a lot to blog about. Something would happen, and I would think, "If I had a blog, I would definitely write about this." Now that I have a blog, I can't come up with anything to blog about, no matter how much I try. That being said, I apologize for the mundane nature of this post!

Today was a beautiful day. Outside, I mean...inside the house was not quite so beautiful. I have a sick hubby and a sick puppy, so life's been a little icky these past couple days (well, if you had experienced what we experienced with Rosita's tummy troubles, you would know that it was a LOT yucky!). Luckily, I did get to leave a couple of times, to give a piano lesson and run a few errands, so I got to see what a beautiful day it was.

I love fall. I always forget how much I love fall until it rolls around on the calendar. It's just such a beautiful time of year. M (the little boy I nanny for) has been so excited about fall. All throughout the summer when the wind would blow and pine needles would fall out of the tree, he would ask me if it was fall time yet. Then one day he woke up from his nap yelling "Stefanie! Stefanie!" (which is very unusual, because he's a slow "waker")...I asked him what happened and he's starts shouting at the top of his lungs, "The leaves on the trees are orange! It's fall time! Come on, come see!" So, A (his little sister) and I ran upstairs to look at the window, and he was right...the neighbors across the street had the first orange trees in the neighborhood. He was so excited, and it was so fun to see him so excited...now everyday after preschool we crunch leaves in the grass and look at how the trees are changing. I'm definitely going to be sad when there's no more leaves for us to walk through!

I leave you with a sad little pic of our sick puppy...doesn't she break your heart? :(

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