Example of typical convo in my house...

Hubby: "Man, my nose is stuffed up. I feel like Duncan Sheik."

Me: "Why, because you're barely breathing?"

Hubby: "Exactly."

I was a little frightened about how well I've come to know the workings of his mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

93octane: cheese pants was a big hit at small group last night

bff.Jay: excellent

93octane: soon you will have to blog too
93octane:it's inevitable, ms. parkinson.

93octane: which, btw, is a great title for your new blog
93octane:some ppl labor for WEEKS to come up with a great name for their blog

93octane: but you?
93octane: nope.
93octane: i just gave you the greatest blog title ever.

93octane: for
93octane: free