
Okay, so even though I'm not active at all on it, I'm a member of Twitter, which is basically a place for short (140 characters or less) blogs. A place full of Facebook status updates, if you will. Much like Facebook, you have followers on Twitter, and people who follow you also. When you follow someone, their "tweets" show up in your feed. Even though I haven't tweeted in MONTHS, I still check in about once a day to see what people are talking about.

One of the people I follow is Ingrid Michaelson...she is one of my absolute favorite singer/songwriters and a pretty witty person (her blog is good for a laugh, too). One of her tweets made me laugh out loud today, so I thought I'd share it:

what does corn really do for you? i mean...if it comes out exactly the same, how could it possibly be benefiting me nutritionally?

HAHAHAHAHAHA...no other words necessary... :)

1 comment:

thesawhooks said...

HAHA! That is hilarious! :)
Found your blog! :)