I'm baaaaaaack...


Apologies on the nearly year-long blogging hiatus. I would like to think that I'll keep up with it this time, but who knows...life may intervene and take my attention away again.

For today, a simple post...a story from work today that has made me laugh every time I think about it. My job is to hang out with some great kids. T (11 1/2), G (10), M (4), and A (2 1/2), oldest and youngest are girls and the middle two are boys. I'm with the younger two during the day (except for the few hours they're at preschool) and the older first thing in the morning (depending on the day) and after school for awhile...

A was 3 months old when I started and it's pretty amazing to have watched her grow up. She is one of the girliest girls I've ever met, which her mom blames on the fact that she prayed for a girly girl while she was pregnant (T, the older daughter, is a little bit of a tomboy). Her "faborite" color is pink, and on any given day you can find her dressed up as any of the Disney princesses. She gives me instructions how many ponytails she wants every day (1 or 2) and the littlest speck of dirt must be brushed off of her arm instantly when we play outside. She also loves her "pacie" and would love if I would let her have it all day (rather than restricting it to naptime and bedtime). She has a "faborite" pacie that is (of course) light pink, and she even has a "pacie drawer" in the kitchen where she will throw her pacies in the morning when she wakes up.

When it was time to lay down for a nap today, I told her she could go get a pacie from the pacie drawer. She ran into the kitchen and opened up the drawer, but she could only find a pacie that was not her "faborite." She held it up and said "I don't like this pacie." Then -- and I saw her entire thought process -- she looked down at her outfit (a pink Disney princess sweatsuit), back at the pacie (which was pink and yellow), and put the pacie on her shirt to see if it matched. Then she looks back at me and says "Oh, I like this one now," and popped it in her mouth. Hahahahaha...what a girl...

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