A new addition...

First of all, no, I'm NOT pregnant. Just thought I would get that out of the way. :)

As I'm sitting here typing this, I have this little 4 1/2 pound bundle of chihuahua joy snoozing on my lap with a full belly. Yes, we got another dog. For crying out loud. Wanna see a picture???

Cute, huh? That little face was peering out to my husband through a glass at the pet store. Really, how was he supposed to resist? (I should mention that Scott and I HATE pet stores. The whole idea of them. We always swore we would only adopt from a shelter or from a rescue group. Ha. That worked out well.)

We had a date day on Friday...we went to see a matinee of Frost/Nixon (amazing - even though we were the youngest people there by a couple of decades) and got some delicious Italian food at Anzi's at Stonecrest (where I got eggplant in lieu of pasta to try to stick with my diet). After that we didn't have any plans, but we weren't really ready to head back home, so we decided to drive around. We ended up at the Arboretum, where we love to go to the pet store to ooh and aah over the cute little puppies.

We were walking through the store when this little guy caught my hubby's eye. An attentive employee noticed the puddle that was my husband's heart on the floor and, thinking it might be an opportunity for a sale, asked if we wanted to hold him. (Word to the wise: ALWAYS SAY NO WHEN THEY ASK YOU TO HOLD A SNUGGLE-DEPRIVED, ADORABLE, WIGGLY LITTLE PUPPY.) To make a long story short, we hold him, we play with him, we're hesitant, we agree if they'll throw in the microchip activation for free, employee leaves to check with the manager, I'm about to tell Scott I don't think we should do it, employee comes back with a cheery "You've just gotten yourselves a dog!" Crap.

We leave about half an hour later with this little furball, and I have to admit he's a pretty good little pup. His name is Cash (which is twofold - one reason is for a random Friends reference, same with Rosita, and the second is for Johnny Cash, who we love). He and Scott are definitely buddies already (Scott actually agreed to use his gig money for the dog rather than buy the new midi controller he's had his eye on...that's a big deal, people!). He hates being in his crate (it's probably akin to prison flashbacks, right?) and he wants to be right on top of us all of the time. He even has a little sweater to wear because when we took him outside the first couple of days he would just stand there and shiver. :( Rosita (our other pup) likes him but doesn't realize that she could crush him without much effort so playtime has to be carefully supervised. The kitties seem to be in denial about this intruder in their home. And me? I'm adjusting, even if it's a little begrudgingly. It's hard not to love him when he's curled up on my lap sleeping peacefully. Talk to me when they're running around the house like a couple of crazy pups.

I'll leave you with a picture of the 2 boys in the Spruill household:

Yeah, they're cute... :)

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