Oh, the drama...

I think I mentioned that A wants to change clothes every. five. minutes.

It's cute the first time. It's a little annoying the second time.

The third time? Oh, man...

I was trying to get M and A out of the house to go to the Charlotte Nature Museum. M was ready to go, but A was mad because she didn't approve of the outfit I had picked out for her (when she decided that she didn't like the outfit Daddy had picked). She NEEDED to wear a dress. Of course, she didn't tell me this until we were all the way downstairs (and their house is big -- going upstairs to their room is practically an expedition).

So I decided to be a nice nanny and went back upstairs to pick out a dress. Unfortunately, all A wanted to wear was a little summery dress that was not appropriate for the chilly weather. I found (what I thought to be) a good compromise by getting a long-sleeved t-shirt with dark pink pants and a little pale pink skirt to go over the pants. Totally cute. I do her hair and we get ready to head back downstairs. Then the lower lip comes out. "I need a dark pink shirt." "Well, you don't have a dark pink shirt. The shirt you have on is beautiful." "No, I NEED a dark pink shirt." And so on and so forth until I laid down the law.

"A, you may not change your clothes again. This is the outfit you are wearing today."

Oh, snap.

The lower lip gets stuck out even further. Eyes tear up. A's chest tightens up and she takes a few deep breaths.

"I need my pacie (pacifier)."

(trying not to crack up at the drama) "No, pacies are only for bedtime. It is not bedtime."

More deep breaths. "I need chocolate milk."

Oh, geez.

"No, you may not have chocolate milk because we are getting ready to leave. You may have chocolate milk when we get home."

"I need Mama!"

Hahahahaha...how does a two-year-old have such DRAMA? I should add (lest I seem totally mean and heartless) that I let her wail (and wail she did!) for a minute or two, then I pulled her into my lap for a snuggle. We sat there for a couple of minutes and then she started giggling over something. All was forgiven and we headed downstairs to put some shoes on.

A turns three in a couple of weeks. 3 is the new 2, people. YAY. :)

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