There's always a reason...

So, Monday is my piano lesson day...I drive over to Baxter Village and give lessons to four students who all live within about ten seconds of each other. Even though the kids didn't have school today, we still planned on doing lessons for all of them. To make a long story short, ALL of the lessons ended up falling through for one reason or another, with me finding out about the last remaining one WHEN I GOT TO THEIR HOUSE. Twenty minutes away. Their mom was very apologetic, and typically the first time I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to stuff like that. Thankfully, the trip was not a total loss...

I've started downloading sermons from Matt Chandler at The Village Church. I've been trying to listen to their podcasts when I have a substantial amount of time in my car by myself, just because I'm not usually in the service at Crosspoint and it's important for me to hear sermons every once in awhile. :) The sermon that I listened to in the car today was called "Two Great Temptations" and he talked about how the biggest temptations keeping us from God are not "bad things," but actually our families (putting them - especially kids - before Christ) and seeking happiness (rather than the true joy that comes from Christ). Although the kid issue doesn't really apply to me (yet), I realized how easy it is to focus on finding happiness in people and things rather than the joy that comes from walking hand-in-hand with Jesus. It was just a great, Biblical message about making sure God is the ultimate priority in our lives. So even though I made took a 45-minute drive today for no apparent reason (thankfully, with the Prius I didn't waste too much gas!) I really feel like I was supposed to go so I could spend a little quality time with God. And my prayer for my own life is that I would strive to pursue the joy for Christ rather than the happiness that things can bring.

On a side note, I've joined Weight Watchers with some friends, and I'm trying really hard to stick to my number of points. That may be easy to say since I've only been doing it since Saturday... ;) Tomorrow, I'm going to Zumba class with my friend Miranda, so hopefully that will kick my butt into gear a bit. I've always wanted to go, but I get anxious about doing things like that by myself the first time, so I'm glad I get to break the ice with a good friend! I just want to get into the best shape that I can so that whenever we decide it's time to start a family I can already have healthy habits established... :)

It's about bedtime...I'm going to fall asleep hoping that there will be SNOW on the ground tomorrow! Seeing snow on a regular basis is probably the thing I miss most about living in Indiana (except for the people that I love, of course!)...we got to see just a little bit when we were there for Thanksgiving, so I'm praying for a SNOW DAY! Plus, if the schools cancel, my boss is off from work, which means I may get to sleep in a bit...that's just a side benefit. ;)

1 comment:

thesawhooks said...

I love that you're blogging!!! :) YAY! Good stuff on the message! I'll have to check them out!